In a world of wars, disasters and conflicts, we bring a symbol of hope to some of the most inspiring and significant places of humanity and our civilization—and to those places that are in dire need of peace, healing and love.
We deliberately want to bring the Monument of Hope to countries where there is war or armed conflict, such as Ukraine, Israel, or Colombia. Because it is especially in countries like these that people should see a symbol that they are not alone. That people all over the world are thinking of them, sending them positive wishes and doing everything in their power to contribute to a peaceful world.
The Monument of Hope is an artwork and symbol of peace, freedom, and humanity. It is a five-and-a-half-meter (18 feet) high, nearly three-by-three-meter (ten-by-ten feet) wide, accessible bronze sculpture shaped like a lemniscate, a looping curve in the form of a figure eight. The Monument of Hope reflects the bond that unites us: WE ARE ONE. All human beings stand united in their endeavors to create a better, just, and peaceful world. The Monument of Hope stands for all values that are important to us. We are united, regardless of color, creed, race, religion, or nationality.
Austrian artist couple Emmerich Weissenberger and Nora Ruzsics designed the Monument of Hope. Two loops of the infinitely curved lemniscate rise into the sky. From there they return to the ground—rising and falling in infinite circles. The two wings encapsulate the central principles of peace, freedom, inclusion, and sustainability. The artists dedicate the central space between the two wings to all-encompassing love. The Monument of Hope world tour is realized by the Austrian Institute for Sustainable Development (OIN), a nonprofit organization that combines the arts and science in its projects.
We all are united in striving to create a peaceful world in which people and nations can live in self-determination and freedom. The Monument of Hope shall become a global symbol of peace and freedom that unites us in this endeavor. The monument will go on tour to inspire people all over the world. It should initiate a dialogue that transcends borders: how we can learn from the past to create a livable, peaceful world together. Every religion believes in the power inherent in its holy sites. Billions of people make pilgrimages to them. We bring the monument of hope to significant places of humanity and our civilization—from important spots of the world religions to significant places of science and knowledge—and “charge” it with the positive energy of all the people touching or being touched by the monument.
We are not politicians, even if we have a clear opinion of our own. We are people from all fields of life and the civil society—from the arts, business to science—who are united in one thing: the desire for a peaceful, just world. The Monument of Hope intends to send a powerful, unifying message around the world in support of freedom, democratic values, and human dignity. Renowned personalities from various fields, such as the arts, culture, music, politics, show business, and civil society, will stand together, united in their determination, for peace, democracy, freedom, and human rights. The Monument of Hope World Tour 2024 intends to disseminate this powerful, vital message around the globe.
„The future depends on what you do today. In a gentle way, you can shake the world.“
All over the world, millions of people are showing their solidarity with those values that are important to us: freedom, tolerance, justice, and peace.
The Monument of Hope World Tour is conceived as a global symbol for a peaceful world. We bring the monument to sites and numinous places that give strength to people, regardless of race, color, creed, or religion: from the Vatican in Rome via Jerusalem to Dharamsala, the Monument of Hope will travel around the globe, carrying the strength and positive thoughts of everyone it encounters. Numerous Nobel laureates will transfer the power of their positive thoughts to the monument in Princeton, New Jersey, home to one of the world’s leading universities.
Hope always stands at the beginning of something new: a new humanism and a new peaceful and sustainable understanding of our world.